Our Vision > Environment
Marlow Town Council is committed to protecting and improving the environment and to ensuring that the town enhances its environmental performance over time. This remit lies with the Environment, Sustainability and Wellbeing Committee, which took over responsibility for “green” issues from the former Planning, Environment and Transportation Committee (PET) in 2021.
The Council adopted an environmental policy in 2019 detailing its commitment to high standards and continuous improvement. In 2020 it adopted statements on climate change and air quality, reflecting the global and local importance of these issues.
In 2019 the Council launched the #sustainablemarlow programme of support to environmental improvement projects and of engagement with the community on environmental issues, with the overall aim of making Marlow an environmental exemplar town.
In 2021 the Council took on a part-time Sustainability Action Consultant to help it further improve both its own and the town’s performance. Initial projects included a detailed carbon audit of the Council’s operations and an innovative Environmental Performance Index for Marlow.
In March 2021 the Council held an online public consultation event to discuss plans to expand #sustainablemarlow with the aim of accelerating Marlow’s transition to net zero carbon emissions and achieving wider sustainability goals.
In February 2022 the Council published a survey of what Marlow residents think about the environment, and the sustainable behaviours they do or want to do.
Please click on the links below for more information
Marlow Town Councils Environment Policy