This summer’s Royal Swan Upping went ahead on Tuesday, 19th July, despite the heat — and as always provided a colourful sight for walkers along the Thames towpath. Marlow’s Mayor Richard Scott accompanied the Swan Uppers on the river from Cookham to Marlow, where he held a reception at the Two Brewers pub.
“I was very pleased to join the Swan Marker, David Barber, and the teams of Swan Uppers on their annual Swan Upping,” the Mayor said. “On the hottest day of the year, they ringed cygnets between Cookham and Marlow as part of the process of checking on the health of swans and cygnets on behalf of Her Majesty, the Queen. I was also delighted to meet with the Swan Marker the following morning, when he explained the importance of the annual event to children from a number of local schools.”
The Royal Swan Uppers wear the scarlet uniform of Her Majesty The Queen and travel in traditional rowing skiffs, together with Swan Uppers from the Vintners’ and Dyers’ livery companies. Many schools are invited to meet the Swan Uppers on their journey up river, giving the children the opportunity to view cygnets at close quarters and ask questions.
On Wednesday morning, 20th July, the Mayor attended an information session on the lawn of the Compleat Angler with HM Swan Marker, David Barber, who explained the history and process of Swan Upping to local schoolchildren.