Members and Officers of Marlow Town Council were saddened to hear of the death of former Councillor Bob Johnson, who died last week after a long illness.
Bob had been a member of the Town Council from 2011 to 2021. He was Mayor from 2015 to 2017 and chairman of the Resources Committee for a number of years. His chairmanship and wise counsel during this time was widely respected by his fellow Councillors. Bob represented Marlow at visits to our twin towns of Marly le Roi and Budavar (District 1 of Budapest) and thoroughly enjoyed the exchange visits.
Mayor Richard Scott said: “Bob will be sorely missed at the Council. He took his work here very seriously, supporting and enjoying the whole range of Council activities. During his time as Mayor, Bob was a keen supporter of Thames Hospice, which was a great help to him during his illness. Last year I also chose Thames Hospice as my Mayor’s charity, and will shortly be presenting them with a cheque for £2,000 from the Town Mayor’s charity fund to support their excellent work.
“Our thoughts are with his wife Shirley, his two sons, Simon and Andrew and their wider family at this sad time”.