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Crime concerns – Community Safety survey launched

Help Safer Bucks understand your crime concerns.
Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Every year Safer Bucks looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, everyone living or working in Buckinghamshire is invited to take part in a Community Safety survey. This survey is aimed at finding out people’s community safety concerns. It’s quick and easy to complete, to enable as many people as possible to have their say.

The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help Safer Bucks set priorities for the year. Cllr Arif Hussain, Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “This survey is an opportunity for everyone who lives or works in the county to highlight your concerns about crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Along with some straightforward questions there is the opportunity to add any comments you feel need to be considered. “Please do take a few minutes to have your say – it will really help Safer Bucks focus its efforts to reduce these issues.” The survey runs from Friday 24 September to Friday 22 October

To have your say, go to: survey can also be found listed on the Your Voice Bucks homepage: Your Voice Bucks – Citizen SpaceThe results of the survey will be analysed and taken to the Safer Bucks Partnership to agree any actions. A summary of the survey results will be included in the winter Community Safety newsletter.