Mayor, Cllr Richard Scott highlights his charity.
Having talked to Cllr Chris Funnell about his charitable fund raising efforts during his Mayoral year I intend to continue to raise funds for the same cause. Sadly, as we know, there are still issues in certain areas that need our help and one of those is the mental health issues facing some of our younger residents. It is quite clear that the work Chris has done in this area is a long term project.
I have therefore adopted this cause to be my Mayor’s Charity for the forthcoming year to support the work that has already been started. We need to get practical help where it is required and I shall be liaising with the appropriate parties to ensure this is done. So please support this very worthy cause throughout my Mayoral year.
Details for donations are as follows:
Please either contact
make a direct contribution to the Town Mayor’s charity account: sort code 30-95-36, account number 03635900. Please be sure to put your name as a reference in order for me to acknowledge your kind donation.
you can send a cheque made payable to: Town Mayor’s Charity Appeal to Jan Bailey, MarlowTown Council, Court Garden, Pound Lane, Marlow, Bucks SL7 2AG
Thank you
Cllr Richard Scott
Marlow Town Mayor