It is with regret that the Town Mayor has cancelled his Charity Golf Day due to be held on 12th April. Due mainly to the continuing prevalence of Covid, the number of teams booking has been considerably lower than in previous years. It was felt that due to the reduced number of teams the event would not have been such an enjoyable experience as previous golf days.
The Mayor said, “I am considering whether to hold the event later in this year or defer until spring 2023, perhaps providing an enhanced experience.”
The Mayor’s Charity Golf Day held on Tuesday 30th April 2019 at Harleyford Golf Club.
There was a full house of competitors, with 24 teams taking part. “It was a glorious day’s golf,” Mayor Chris Funnell said. “Everyone enjoyed their time with us, both the day on the course and the great dinner, with raffle prizes and a silent auction. I want to say a big thank you to all our sponsors and to everyone who took part.”
The overall winners on the day were The Awesome Foursome, who are the first all ladies’ team to win this trophy.
A new competition trophy this year, The Frank Sweatman Memorial Trophy, was awarded in honour of the late Past Town Mayor Frank Sweatman. Frank initiated the Mayor’s Golf Day back in 2004 and it has since raised significant funds for the various Mayors’ charities. Frank’s daughter Joanne presented the team who came second: Dude, Where’s my Par? with the trophy.
The Mayor’s charity this year has been raising funds to support ways of delivering mental health support for Marlow’s young people. The event has raised £6,000.
Mayor’s Trophy – Team Event
The results were:
Awesome Foresome: Sarah Lumley/Liz Duncan/Ellen McKenzie/Jenny Pyres -127 points
Frank Sweatman Trophy – Team Event
‘Dude, Where’s my par’: Dave Cheng/Tim Strand/Phil Osborne/Mark Biggs – 124 points
Highest Individual Scores:
Men’s Winner: David Cheng – 41 points
Ladies’ Winner: Sarah Lumley – 41 points
Straightest Drive on 13th: Sarah Lumley
Nearest the pin in three on 17th: Chris Biggs
Mayor’s charity golf day sponsors were:
Brand Events, Compleat Angler Hotel, Harleyford Golf Club, Gordons Solicitors, Leywood Estates Ltd, Shanly Foundation, Gatsby Menswear, Danesfield House & Spa
Sunrise Health & Beauty, The Ivy Garden, Marlow, The Marlow Club, The Botanist, Dave Martin, Kathy Thomson, Tiger Garden
The Awesome Foursome Frank Sweatman Memorial Trophy presented to Dude where’s my par? by daughter Joanne