Please find below the current policy guidelines for applicants wishing to apply for a Town Council Grant.
- Applications for a grant will be considered by the Resources Committee at the meetings as detailed on the meetings timetable.
- Applicants MUST be community organisations based in Marlow that provide recreational leisure, cultural, charitable or service activities for Marlow residents to take part in or to attend for leisure, charitable and cultural reasons. Grants and donations will also be considered from organisations based outside Marlow but that provide specific and specialised services to Marlow residents. (Example C.A.B. / Thames Valley Air Ambulance)
- Applicant organisations should submit requests for grants and donations in writing signed by an officer of that organisation (example: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer)
- The application should state the reason for the application, detailing what project the grant funding would be used for. The application should include copies of the previous years audited income and expenditure accounts.
- The Finance Services and Administration committee will consider requests for grants and donations at the appropriate meeting. Each application must be supported by the required documentation in the correct format.
- The Finance Services and Administration committee will determine grants based on the following:-
a) the value of the organisation to the Marlow community
b) the level and significance of service provided to Marlow, its residents and or visitors - Applications from organisations who are based outside the Town Council boundary but who offer significant benefits to Marlow, its residents and or visitors may be eligible for a grant.
- The applicant organisation must clearly demonstrate that they have an Equal Opportunities policy that applies to all organisation members and to the community recipients.
- The applicant organisation if so requested by Marlow Town Council must produce additional statistical information.
- The applicant must acknowledge Marlow Town Council on their literature if a grant is awarded.