 01628 484024

GDPR Publication Scheme

(Our Privacy Notice is available to read here )


Marlow Town Council has produced this publication Scheme under the GDPR Act.

Purpose of the Scheme

This Publication Scheme sets out the information the Council will make available as a matter of course. It does not mean that other information will not be provided, simply the information listed in the scheme is readily available.

Scope of the Publication Scheme

The Publication Scheme sets out the classes of information the Council has, or will make, available. Within each class is a list of documents or information. In general, correspondence sent or received by Councils and all information relating to private individuals is excluded throughout the scheme as this is personal data under GDPR.

Availability of Information

Information included in this scheme will be available either on the website ( 

or in hard copy or for inspection. Information under the Scheme not held on the website can be obtained by:

–  Making a written request to the Town Clerk

–  Making a request in person by calling at the Marlow Town Council Office

–  Making a request by email:

Charges for Information

The majority of the information under the Scheme will be held on the Council’s website and as such is provided free of charge.

If there is a statutory fee, this will be charged in accordance with the relevant legislation.

There are seven different classes of information available:

Class 1:    Who we are and what we do

Class 2:    What we spend and how we spend it

Class 3:    What our priorities are and how we are doing

Class 4:    How we make decisions

Class 5:    Our policies and procedures

Class 6:    Lists and registers

Class 7:    The services we offer

The information in each class is as follows:

Class 1 – Who we are and what we do

–  Who’s who on the Council and its Committees (website)

–  Contact details for Town Clerk and Council members (website)

–  Location of main Council office and accessibility detail (website)

–  Staffing structure (website)

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it
                 (current and previous year)

–  Annual Report form and report by auditor (website)

–  Finalised budget (website)

–  Precept (website)

–  Grants that are given and received (in Minutes on the website)

–  Members’ allowance and expenses (hardcopy)

Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

–  Annual Report to Town Meeting (website)

Class 4 – How we make decisions (current and previous year)

–  Timetables of meetings (website)

–  Agenda of meetings (2015 onwards website; pre 2015 hardcopy)

–  Minutes of meetings (2015 onwards website; pre 2015 hardcopy)

–  Responses to planning applications (Minutes 2016 onward website; pre 2016 hardcopy)

Class 5 – Our policies and procedures

–  Standing orders (website)

–  Committee responsibilities (website)

–  Code of conduct (website)

–  Policy statements (website)

–  Policies and procedures for the provision of services and about the employment of staff:

– equal opportunities policy (website)

 – health and safety policy (website)

 – current vacancies (website)

 – complaints procedure (website).

–  Schedule of charges (for the publication of information)

Class 6 – Lists and Registers

–  Assets register (hardcopy)

–  Register of members interests (website)

–  Register of gifts and hospitality (hardcopy)

Class 7 – The services we offer

–  Allotments (website)

–  Cemetery (website)

–  Playing fields and recreational faclities (website)

– Banners (website)

– Events (website)

Retention of Documents