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Celebrate Marlow

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the Celebrate Marlow event in 2020 was cancelled.

Marlow celebrates the generosity of its community

Hundreds of people gathered at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Marlow on Sunday, 29th September 2019, to celebrate the generous community spirit in the town. The event, known as ‘Celebrate Marlow,’ now in its third year, is put together by Marlow Town Council to acknowledge the contribution made by Marlow’s many clubs, organisations and individuals to the success of the town.

Mayor Cllr Richard Scott said: “I have always believed that residents should put something back into the community in which they live. That is what you have done, some in a highly visible way and others quietly helping their neighbours.

“Community service is a duty to be taken seriously. Enhancing our wonderful town as a place to live, work and visit is a responsibility to which we should all contribute. By doing so, we can support our town and, in particular, those residents less fortunate than ourselves.”

The event recognised many of the town’s ‘Unsung Heroes’, including The Marlow Museum, which recently celebrated its tenth anniversary; The Marlow Wombles, a group of volunteers who keep the town clean and tidy and offer gardening services where needed; and the Marlow Carnival, a hugely successful event run entirely by volunteers. 

The guests enjoyed a performance by Anna Nightingale, the entertainer and singer, who specialises in the golden era of jazz-swing.

The Mayor called on the community to help Marlow’s schools with the huge challenge of supporting the mental health of children and teenagers. To donate to this initiative, which is the Mayor’s charity this year, please contact