 01628 484024

A-Board Policy


The purpose of this policy is to make clear what A-Boards are permitted in Marlow and what restrictions there are on businesses wishing to display them. The Town Council is responsible for managing A-Boards on public footpaths, the powers having been devolved by Bucks County Council.

NB- Draft policy has been amended to include street furniture such as tables, chairs and planters following responses to the consultation. Please interpret this policy, and an reference to ‘A-Board’ to include these items.


This policy applies to all businesses who wish to display an A-Board on the public footpath in Marlow, unless otherwise stated.

This policy covers who is permitted to erect an A-Board, where the boards can go, how many boards are allowed and maximum dimensions. It also details how breaches of this policy will be managed and specifies exceptions where necessary.


  • Businesses must only have one board directly outside their own premises, leaving a gap of no less than 1.5 metres to the kerb edge
  • New boards will be no more than 600mm wide at any location. Boards that are on display at the date of this policy that are larger, but still allow 1.5 metres to the kerb edge will be permitted
  • Businesses who do not have a frontage on the main pedestrian routes will be permitted to place a board in a nearby, sensible location as long as they comply with the sizes and measurements detailed above
  • Board size and location will always be at the discretion of Marlow Town Council Officers. Any unsuitably sized or placed boards will be subject to two warnings and subsequent removal (as detailed in ‘Procedures’, para 4)


  • Businesses need not apply for permission to erect an A-Board, but should contact the Town Council if unsure about suitability for their shop front.
  • If any board has been found to be in breach of this policy, officers will take action; firstly in the form of a verbal notification, followed by a written notification. If no action is taken to rectify the issues raised, the board will be removed and the owner notified


The Town Council will charge a recovery fee of £50.00 for any board that has been removed following failed verbal and written notifications to the owner.


Marlow Town Council, Court Garden, Marlow, Bucks SL7 2AG

01628 484024


This policy will be reviewed annually or as required.

Adopted by Council: September 2015

Date reviewed: January 2018