Marlow Town Council is pleased to invite all Marlow residents to the Marlow Library to see how we are supporting native local bees.
Marlow Town Council (MTC) is pleased to invite all Marlow residents to the Marlow Library to see how we are supporting native local bees. Young and old alike can read about bees and how everyone can play a role at home supporting them. MTC’s wild verges strategy for this year and the future, and check-out our new Wild Verges map where residents can easily see the grass that MTC is responsible for cutting (not all areas are owned or maintained by MTC in town). Additionally, residents can read about MTC’s Environment and Wellbeing Committee’s Pollinator Action Plan.
Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Environment and Wellbeing Committee Cllr Colleen Stapley explained, “Unfortunately, the Bee Town Festival was cancelled, and we didn’t want all this important information and hard work to not be seen by the public. We as a council do a lot of things but we don’t get that many opportunities to share what we have been working on with residents, so we were disappointed when Bee Town didn’t go ahead. We tried to find another venue for a while then the library stepped in and were kind enough to grant us space to put up our Bee Town display. I hope all residents when they visit the library from August 16th – Sep 1st will take a moment to read our boards alongside finding a good book. MTC and my committee are continuing to focus on small, easy to replicate behaviour changes that we can all make together. Change starts first with awareness and education and then can move into action. We hope residents will learn something new about bees, what MTC is doing and how they can help too – because only by working together are we able to create positive change that can make a positive difference.”
We hope to see you at Marlow Library before September 1st. Residents can next see and interact with MTC at the Carnival Green Village on September 16th, 2023. MTC hopes to see you there.