Since my last update Marlow Medical Group (MMG) and our network of practices have been able to administer a further 1716 vaccinations running a 2nd vaccination clinic on 16 April 2021.Since starting to run vaccination clinics on 7 January 2021 we have now been able to vaccinate 27508 residents including residents and staff who are in care homes or housebound. Our focus in April continues to be running 2nd vaccination clinics and we do not expect to receive vaccine to run 1st vaccinations until May. We are running two very large clinics at Adams Park on Friday 23 and Saturday 24 April 2021. These clinics are now fully booked.Many patients are contacting the practice concerned they have not yet received an invite for their 2nd vaccination. The government guidance is that people will receive their 2nd vaccination 12 weeks after their first vaccination. GP led clinics are not able to forward book appointments. We aim to send 2nd vaccination invites 10-11 weeks from your first vaccination. However we can’t send invites until vaccine delivery has been confirmed. This may mean that you don’t receive your 2nd vaccination invite until 1 week before your 2nd vaccination is due. We will ensure that patients receive the same vaccine as their first. Do not worry, you will not be forgotten. To date we have been receiving enough vaccine to offer residents their 2nd vaccination within the 12 week guideline.If we have sent an invite and you get an unable to book message this means that the clinic is full. The invitation link will still work when we open up the next clinic. Please try to book as soon as you receive your 2nd invitation as clinics slots are being taken up very quickly. If residents who had their first vaccination at Adams Park have chosen to book their 2nd vaccination through the 119 central booking system it would helpful if you can click on any invite we send you to cancel your invitation. This will enable us to offer not needed invitations to other residents.Residents who are under 30 with underlying health conditions who have already had a first vaccination of Astra Zeneca without suffering any serious side effects should continue to have their 2nd vaccination of Astra Zeneca and any concerns can be discussed with the vaccinator.To enable us to focus on running the vaccination programme we kindly ask that you don’t call the surgery unless absolutely necessary. We will contact you via text or phone call.A person’s Covid status has been determined by Public Health England not your GP. We are strictly following government group guidelines.…/why-you-have-to-wait-for-your…We continue to be grateful for the support of our fantastic team of staff and volunteers who continue do this in addition to offering our normal services and to the many companies, community groups and residents who continue to send us an amazing array of goodies. Thank you it is nice to have our hard work appreciated through the lovely thank you messages posted to us on Facebook and sent to our surgeries.