Marlow Town Council has announced a big expansion in its efforts to make Marlow an environmental exemplar town.
The Council has enhanced its Sustainable Marlow programme by hiring an independent environmental consultant, Nick Rowcliffe. Nick will advise on priorities, recommend policies, and deliver creative projects working in concert with stakeholders and the community.
Climate change is central to the strategy. The Council will publish a detailed audit of its own greenhouse gas emissions soon. Following up on a commitment made last year, it will work to develop a broadly supported vision for reducing emissions across Marlow.
The expanded programme will see the Council take further action across other key environmental areas, including reducing air pollution, boosting wildlife conservation and encouraging active transport.
Council Leader Jocelyn Towns said: “We recognise a growing desire from residents for a greater local focus on sustainability. Our aim is to work with all sections of the community to make change happen.”
One focus of the enhanced Sustainable Marlow programme will be on data. In the coming weeks the Council will publish some of the most detailed local environmental performance statistics of any small town in the UK.
Another priority will be outreach. The Council is committed to working with local interest groups, businesses and higher local government tiers. Projects to engage and inspire local residents will also be central to the programme.
Jocelyn Towns added: “As a small council we have limited powers to influence behaviour change. Therefore our main focus is on informing and encouraging, working in conjunction with other interested parties to ensure a concerted effort.”